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Using LetterBomb to Launch Project M

If your SD card is larger than 2GB, then the Stage Builder exploit will not work. Don't worry, you can still launch Project M using a different exploit known as LetterBomb.

Note that unlike the stage builder exploit, this exploit will be tied to your Wii. This means that you won't be able to just take the SD card out and use it on a different Wii. To do that you would have to re-generate the LetterBomb files for the new Wii.

Your Wii will also have to be on System Menu version 4.3. You can check your system menu version in the Wii Settings. If your system menu version is below 4.3, you can either update your Wii, or you can use Wilbrand instead of LetterBomb (see step 3).

How to use LetterBomb:

  1. Download the Hackless version of Project M and extract it to your SD card.
  2. On your Wii, get the MAC address from Options > Wii Settings > Page 2 > Internet > Console Information.
  3. On your computer, go to the LetterBomb website. If that site is down, or your system menu version is not 4.3, you can use Wilbrand instead. To use Wilbrand, just download this zip and run the Wilbrand_Launcher.exe file.
  4. Enter your Wii's System Menu version and MAC address.
  5. Untick the "Bundle the HackMii Installer" check box.
  6. Click either of the two "Cut the wire" buttons (they both do the same thing). If you are using Wilbrand then click the "Create exploit" button.
  7. It should now generate the exploit and give you a zip file with a 'private' folder inside. Copy that 'private' folder to the root of your SD card. Overwrite/Merge any existing files/folders if your computer asks.
  8. Now insert the Brawl disc and the SD card into the Wii. Make sure your Wii's date and time are correct, then go to the Wii Message Board. You should see an envelope with a bomb in it on today's date (may be a couple days back). Open it and Project M should launch.
  9. Play Project M as usual! To launch Project M again in the future, just go back to the Wii Message Board and click the exploit envelope.